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Buy It Now Price: $ 6,500 USD ( Note: This domain is already SOLD ) is an exact match domain best fit for the investment, forex, and stock trading industry.

Candlestick is a highly searched keyword that consistently receives over 12,100 monthly searches and generates over 49,100,000 search results every 0.45 seconds on Google.

Why this is valuable domain is
– is a short exact match domain.
Competitive – Advertisers pay up to $1 per click to advertise under the “CandleStick.” keyword
Broad Appeal – is an English word – best fit in finance, forex, stock trading
Memorable – “CandleStick” is easy to remember, short, and easy to spell.
Highly Searched – “CandleStick” is a highly searched keyword that consistently receives over 12,100 monthly searches on google with over 49,100,000 results.
Popular Keywords –  “Candle”, “stick”, and “Candlestick” are widely used keywords
Buy It Now Price: $ 6,500 USD

Domain Historical Records

Domain Name:
Keyword: CandleStick
Type: Exact Match
ccTLD : .io
Category: Business, Investment, Finance
Age: more than 5 years
Date Created: 2016-05-07
Registrar: humbly, LLC
IANA ID: 801130
Status: Active

Domain Type
•             Exact Match Domain. is an exact match domain name.

•             Very Short and Memorable. is short, making it easy to remember.

•             Highly Searched. The term “CandleStick” is a highly searched key phrase.

Domain Stats :

“Candlestick” is a highly searched keyword that consistently receives over 12,100 monthly searches and generates over 49,100,000 search results every 0.45 seconds on Google.

Organic Search

Number of results48.5M

Paid Search


Keyword Suggestions: 4,200

Total volume12,240
Average KD70.5%

Search Overview

SERP TERM14,200,000
SERP SLD14,200,000
Ads SLD3
Monthly Searches (Exact Global)12,100
Cost Per Click (Exact)$1.13
Monthly Spend (Exact)$13,673
Monthly Searches (Broad Global)301,000
Cost Per Click (Broad )$0.89
Monthly Spend (Broad)$267,890

Domain Description: is an exact match domain (EMD). But, what exactly is an EMD?

An exact match domain is a domain name that exactly matches that keyword that you want to rank for. In this case, if you are trying to rank for the keyword “candlestick”, would be an EMD.

“Candlestick” has several meanings.

Commonly, a candlestick is known as the device used to hold a candle in place. Candlesticks and candles are also used frequently for spiritual means and in religious rituals as both symbolic and functional lights. For instance, tall candlesticks are often found in Christian churches.

Candlestick may also be used to refer to a type of price chart that displays the low, high, open, and closing prices of a security for a particular period.

The wide part of the candlestick is known as the real body and tells investors whether the closing price was lower or higher than the opening price. The candlestick’s shadows indicate the day’s low and high, and how they compare to the open and close. A candlestick’s shape depends on the relationship between the day’s low, high, opening, and closing prices. Candlestick charting is used by technical analysts to determine when to enter and exit trades.

Whether you are in the business of manufacturing or selling candlesticks, a forex/stock trader, or if you are a business owner using candlestick charting, the exact match domain,, will surely give you an advantage over your competitors!

Candlestick is a highly searched keyword that generates over 49,100,000 search results every 0.45 seconds on Google. contains that highly searched keyword – it is an exact match domain. So, don’t delay and grab the domain today! domain was created on May 7, 2016, making it a few years old. It has an established history, contains a highly searched keyword, and is easy to remember and spell – all of which are characteristics of a good domain name.

Reasons Why You Should Own This Domain is an exact match domain – but why is that important?

From a branding and marketing approach, exact match domains generate instant differentiation and credibility of your services and/or products. Moreover, owning an exact match domain name in your industry creates a competitive advantage that can never be taken away from your brand.

However, aside from being an EMD, there are several other advantages to owning this domain name. Here are some other reasons why you should own the domain.

  • Marketing is much easier to say, spell and read than Looks much better in print too.

  • Direct Navigation

This occurs when an end-user types YourDomainName.extension ( into their browser directly without even searching to find your site. Many of our keyword-specific domains enjoy Direct Navigation.

  • Credibility

Show your visitors that you are serious about your content. Build sites or park pages on a good domain name ( ) and be proud of the domain name you own. If you are opening an online business, start with a good domain name. Show your visitors/customers that you are serious about your online venture and, in a few years, the domain will probably appreciate in value even if your business does not take off.

  • Viral Marketing

Buy a memorable (brand or keyword) domain name (  )and use it so others can easily pass it along to others so you can enjoy the power of viral marketing.

  • Branding

Develop domain name to feature your brand name, products, or services.

Return on Investment

For Website and Business Owners, Now is YOUR time to grab the exclusive right to own and control this domain and maximize YOUR business profitability by fully optimizing its advantage over the other competing websites.

For Domain Investors, YOU know pretty well how valuable this domain is for end-user. So this is your chance to profit from this domain by keeping it in your premium domains portfolio and reselling this to YOUR right end-user.

Interested in purchasing the domain?

Simply proceed to Domain Sales Page, and hit the “Buy It Now” button or “Submit Your Best Offer” if you want to negotiate for the final selling price.
Buy It Now Price: $ 6,500 USD

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